Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Post 2 12/8

When I first signed up for this class, I did not know what to expect because I had never taken an online class before. I was also curious to see how an online communications course would work, because I had previously taken Comm 40 with Professor Harris and enjoyed that class. However, one of my favorite things about this class was having the opportunity to interact with a group for the projects throughout the semester. It was helpful to have the same group for the semester has well because it was cool to build relationships with those people and have trust in each other to get our parts of the projects done, instead of having to get comfortable with a whole new group for each project. Something that I did not like about this class was that the projects seemed like they were rushed and that we had to find seven to ten people from outside of class for the public relations part of the project, which is a lot because other people are also very busy. This class can be improved by possibly having more instruction on the projects because it seemed like my group had many questions about each project.


  1. I also did not know what to expect when I signed up to this class. I wasn't sure how a Communication class could be taken online but I this comm 41 class was ran pretty good. The blogging made it good to make you thing of what you read for the book and then you had to come with examples for the concepts that were read in the books. I also agree with you that my least favorite thing was confusion on some of these group projects especially the last group project. I also found it difficult to bring two people for this project. Everyone from my group had to bring two people and had trouble finding a time that we could get everyone to meet at the library and get started on the project. I agree that the class can be improve by more instruction on future group projects for this class.

  2. Hey, nice post, this was also my first time taking an online course as well. I was expecting some type of communication in this online course but I never expected to be by blogging. This was a new experience to me because I never made a blog before either. I like this type of communication between the classes because it's better than speaking in class like other course. The group project was a hassle for me as well. It was hard getting people to come for the last group project because it most of my friends were busy. Anyway see you at the final.

  3. Hello!

    Although this is the second online that I have taken before I did not know what to expect from an communications online class. I didn't know that we would use a blog site to post our views and such on it. It was a nice thing to do though. Interacting with other people through an online course was nice too, I agree. And the fact that we were able to stay with the same groups throughout the projects made it easier since we already knew each other from the previous projects. I agree that the last project was difficult because we had to find several outside people from the class and ask them to take their time out of their busy schedule.
