Thursday, September 2, 2010

Vague Sentence

Even though some sentences appear as claims, they may not be completely up to par and might qualify as vague sentences. When the speaker needs to make his or her sentence clearer because there are so many ways to understand it and you cannot settle on one way, they are expressing a vague sentence.

An example of a vague sentence for me reminds me of last year when I was at an event in San Francisco with my girlfriend and a group of friends. There were a ton of people at the event and at one point I split up with the group to get something to drink. While I'm gone, my girlfriend splits from the group and cannot find them. She calls me to meet up with her and says "I'm standing under the green flag, come meet me here." I look around and notice that there are about 20 of the same green flags spread around the complex. This is a vague sentence because I had to ask many questions in response in order to understand and settle on which flag she was standing by, and eventually I found her.


  1. Hey Bobby Boucher,

    I can understand how you feel when looking for someone from lack of information. During this summer, I went with my cousin to a festival event for an extra credit assignment. The teacher told us that if we meet up with him during the festival he'll give us the extra credit. When my cousin and I got there, the only information we know was that the teacher was in booth forty-eight. The two of us started looking for his booth but we couldn't even find the information booth. I noticed that there is up to three hundred or more booth because it indicated on each booth we pass by. Eventually, it took us around and hour and thirty minutes just to find him. Lack of information or misunderstanding from vague sentences can be annoying sometimes.


  2. Heyy!!! I can also relate to what happened to your girlfriend and to you are the San Francisco event. The same thing actually happened to me during the summer except I was in your girlfriends position and my friends were in yours. Over the summer my friends and I went to the musical event EDC where during the end of the rave when we were leaving the coliseum I got split up from my group of friends and ended up being lost. When I called up my friends, I told them to meet me near the "big light near the gate." What I should have said was to meet up near the big light in between the security cars and the entrance gate. I gave my friends to vague of a statement and ended up being split up from the group for a good half hour because they didn't know which big light I was talking about.

  3. Hey,

    I know how you feel since I've had the same thing happen to me. Those are the moments where you look back and laugh at how the situation could have been avoided. I guess things like that make some days more interesting. Sure the lack of details can be frustrating at times, but other times, they don't seem so bad. Maybe I'm just being optimistic. Nice post man.
