Monday, October 4, 2010

Chapter 6 Compound Claims

A factor that applies to the structure of arguments is a compound claim. According to Epstein, a compound claim is "one composed of other claims, but which has to be viewed as just one claim." The propositional function of a compound claim depends on the truth-values of the claims that come along with it. An example of a compound claim is "either I will finish my homework tonight or I will wake up early and finish it right before class." When looking at a compound claim, the alternative will be the part of the "or" claim.

A conditional claim is a type of compound claim. If a statement is to be considered a conditional claim, you have to be able to re-write the claim as "if...then..." The statement after "if" is known as the antecedent and the statement after "then" is known as the consequent. An example of a conditional claim is "If the Oakland Raiders make the playoffs this year it will be a miracle." In this claim the antecedent is "the Oakland Raiders make the playoffs," and the consequent is "it will be a miracle."


  1. Hey, great use of examples in your compound and conditional claims. It is true that a compound claim depends on the truth-values of the claims that come along with it. It has two claims but it is viewed as one claim. Your example is a common thing that students will do when they have homework to do. I always think about whether I should do my homework the night before it is due the next day or should I do my homework in the morning before I go to class. I liked your example with the Oakland Raiders. It is something that is commonly said when we are using the antecedent "if" and the consequent "then" since there are sports fans who are either optimistic or pessimistic about their football team. You explained your claims clearly for me to understand.

  2. I liked the examples you used for both compound and conditional claims. Compound claims is viewed as one claim even though there are multiple claims. You had an excellent example for a compound claim. It was very easy to understand and we could all relate to it. I remember recently my friend said the the same exact words. She was not sure if she wanted to do her homework at night or wake up early just to do it. I also like how you explained what a conditional claim is. I bet everyone would agree if the Raiders made the playoffs it would be a miracle.
