Friday, October 22, 2010

Social Organizations

    Both class projects have been very useful and it is fun and interesting to work with classmates from an online class whose blogs we are commenting on each week because we can actually get to meet them. So far I have found the second project, Critical Thinking and Social Organizations, more useful and entertaining. I have always heard about different social organizations such as American Red Cross, Green Peace, MADD, and PETA, but have never taken the time to research them and find out what their different goals are.
   My group chose PETA for our project, which stands for People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals. This group goes to very far lengths to let their message be known that they want people to "Go Veg" by not wearing any type of animal fur or skin and not eating meat. This made for a good topic because it was very amusing to see the pictures of people locking themselves in cages, or getting wrapped up in serran wrap, like they are a piece of grocery meat. I was able to find out about the different types of reasoning and the fallacies used by PETA. Also, it was helpful to learn APA format for this project because I have always used MLA and was not familiar with APA at all.


  1. I also enjoyed working on the second group paper of Critical Thinking and Social Organizations because we got to explore the different websites suggested and to pick which one we favored to work with the most.

    Our group also chose to analyze PETA's website and their tactics used to exemplify their mission to protect animal rights. It was interesting to explore the site as a group and informative to look at the advertisements and videos used that emphasized PETA's stand against the mistreatment of animals. Overall, PETA was a great site for fallacies and arguments and other concepts that we learned throughout this course.

  2. Each group assignment was definitely an enjoyable experience. It opened up our discussions that were heavily focused on straight-from-the-book definitions and examples to actual real-life situations and current events, such as Prop 19 that my group focused on for the first assignment. We just finished looking at the ASPCA for the second assignment about social organizations. Overall, great post. Each group assignment definitely helped out in applying the techniques we've discussed in-class.

    And go Giants! Everyone counted us out and said the Phillies would sweep. We got them in 6 though (Uribe came up huge). On to the World Series and Texas!
