Thursday, November 18, 2010

Post 2 Mission Critical Website

   The Mission Critical Website is different from the Causal Arguments, in which I thought the Causal Argument website was odd because it started by providing an example before going into detail about what they are. However, both links are helpful in their own way. When first going to the Mission Critical Website, it is somewhat overwhelming because there are too many links on the main menu. After reading through the website and clicking on the different links, I found that this site has so much information related to critical thinking and I will definitely be using it to study for the final. In addition to the many links which provide so much information for the basics of arguments, analysis of arguments, fallacies, and non rational persuasion, there are practice exercises and exit exams provided for each section. Something new I learned from this website is an appeal to vanity, which is a fallacy used to create a predisposition toward agreement by paying compliments, also known as apple polishing. Overall, Mission Critical is a very informative, useful website.

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