Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Reasoning By Analogy Post

The first form of reasoning is reasoning by analogy, in which we draw a conclusion on one side of a comparison, so that it will make it easier to draw a conclusion on the other side of the comparison. An example of this is: We don't blame the police for crime. Police and crime are like doctors and injuries. Therefore, we should not blame doctors for injuries. Sign reasoning can be a linked cause and effect reasoning with more certainty. For example, "Where there's a leak, there's a flood in the bathroom." Causal reasoning is the idea that any cause leads to a certain effect. "My tire is flat because I ran over a nail." Reasoning by criteria is comparing against established criteria. An example of this is the way a teacher may grade an essay, based on the criteria they have set for you to follow. Reasoning by example is the use of examples in an argument. "You should work out more often. My friend works out all of the time and says it relieves stress." Also, an example of inductive reasoning is "All of the basketball players we have seen here are tall. Therefore, all basketball players are tall." Lastly, an example of deductive reasoning is "All college students are smart. Bryan is a college student. So, Bryan is smart."


  1. You explain all of these analogies with very good detail and good understanding examples to explain these analogies. I had a trouble thinking of an example and understanding Deductive reasoning and reasoning by example, but you used great examples to tie in to these analogies that I had a hard time with. I like the example you used for reasoning by example because its true that working out those relieve stress for some people and by you adding your friend as an example makes you reason by example. Good job for all your examples of analogies.

  2. I agree with Hulk5689 that you did explain all these analogies really well. I had trouble with some of these analogies at first but after reading your, it helps me understand some of these concept more better. You did a great job explaining sign reasoning because I didn't really understand that concept until I read this post. I can also relate to some of your examples, such as the reasoning of examples. My mom uses this concept on me a lot. She often uses examples of my cousin for evidences to convince me most of the time. Anyway I think this is a great post.

  3. Hey there. Your post was my favorite one in this category. You had a really god as well as clear explanation of all of the different types of analogies. You stated strong and detailed examples of each one. I had the same issue that hulk8689 did, thinking up an example of deductive reasoning was also. I find it that this analogy and I thing it was reason by analogy were very similar from one another, I might be wrong but i was a bit confusing. Either way though this was a very good post. You made everything clear and easy to understand. :)
